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Book Hub

Release The Remnant

A spiritual awakening has begun in this end time. THE REMNANT is being released to stir up a Revival and undertake a massive soul winning agenda. A supernatural army of an end time REMNANT is gathering across the earth as the LORD prepares to gather a final harvest of saints. God has done and continues to do exploits with those in the minority – THE REMNANT: the forsaken, the forgotten, the rejected, the downtrodden, the undeserving, the weak, the faint, the challenged, the disabled, the unqualified, etc.; the Bible is replete with many accounts to support this. It took just a little boy, David, to confront and defeat the Philistine hero, Goliath, while the entire army of Israel looked on as helpless spectators. It took just three Hebrew boys in the gathering of thousands of godly and ungodly people to move Nebuchadnezzar and his cohorts to repent and submit to the Living God. It took four forsaken and unworthy lepers to change the economy and importation capacity of an entire nation (Israel) and salvage a crisis situation. It took Joshua and Caleb, keeping faith with God, to bring to fulfilment the prophetic destiny of Israel. It took Rahab, a prostitute, to save God’s people and her own family. And ultimately, it was from her lineage that the Messiah was born. The message of THE REMNANT is a timely clarion call to believers and non-believers in this end time to activate Revival at any cost, because without us, it will not come, and without it, we cannot fulfil heaven’s agenda on Earth.

Pray For The Remnant

Hezekiah, the thirteenth king of Judah, succeeded his father Ahaz at a very young age of twenty-five. The handing over notes from Ahaz was one filled with wickedness and an unparalleled commitment to idolatry. Hezekiah did not have a good legacy or a Godly blueprint to follow, but he deviated from the norm and turned around that narrative. He spearheaded an unprecedented revival in Judah and, by extension, Israel. However, in his fourteenth year as king, Judah was attacked by Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, who captured the garrisons and exiled the people of those cities. Rab-shakeh (the spokesperson of Sennacherib) was released to badmouth Judah and the Almighty God. Defeat was staring Hezekiah in the face until he requested prayer from the prophet Isaiah for THE REMNANT of God’s people that were yet to be captured and exiled by Assyria! In this book, the LORD is charging the Church to release and uphold a prayer covering for THE REMNANT in the field of souls because of imminent attacks, opposition, discouragement and loss of strength. Prayer is the fuel for the awakening that has begun. Let the REVIVAL begin…

I Am Remnant

This book is an abridged version or as we like to call it, a student version of Release the Remnant. It was strategically produced as a free-share for college and high school students.